Sunday, August 16, 2009

Cartigan stage2

Why yes. Yes indeed there is less space at the top of the page. Why? I forgot what the fourth Cartigan looks like.

(¬.¬ )

So sue me. He's an annoying little snot anyway. ...unfortunately, he's the only one whose design I have readily available.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Cartigan stage1

Okay okay, you might be saying "I thought you said you were going to push yourself" or "Giving up before you even begin?". Well, I never said which digital pieces I'd challenge and I only said I was thinking about it. Cowardice? You'd be correct. I need to improve greatly before I decide to take on anybody.

At any rate, the first two "bodies" of Cartigan I. Rasmus. There are two more to be added that I'll get around to doing hopefully before the night is done.

Thursday, August 13, 2009's like that

So... I've been thinking that I'd push myself just a bit and attempt to "challenge" some of these digital pieces I see floating around the net with regular pencil works. Some questions arose when I'd initially posed this idea to myself.

Q: How far will you get?
A: No clue.

Q: Why bother with it?
A: See the previous answer.

Q: Do you actually have answers to any of these questions?
A: Don't you see a trend here?

Q: So when will you start?
A:'re retarded right?

Friday, August 7, 2009

I got a little bit trigger happy when making this. I'm pleased with how it came out but can't really think of what to do with it.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

And it's still not done yet.

Yay. Part three. Yeah, I know I do things slowly. BUT I'M AWESOME so it doesn't matter.